Structural Steel Lintels
Our team at Deska offers basement areaway and egress repair and installation services for homeowners across Alexandria and the surrounding areas. Keep your home safe and improve property value by contacting our team today.
What are Structural Steel Lintels?
Structural steel lintels are essential components that are placed above an opening in a wall, such as a window or a doorway. Their primary function is to provide support for the loads above the gap and prevent the structure from collapsing.
Are lintels considered structural?
A lintel is a structural element that is positioned above an opening in a wall. When it comes to brick masonry walls, lintels can be made of reinforced brick masonry, brick masonry arches, precast concrete, or structural steel shapes.

What is Steel Lintel Corrosion Expansion?
Steel that is not protected will eventually rust, beginning with surface rust. If left unattended, the rusting will become more severe and cause the steel to expand. This expansion can be compared to the forces that occur when a glass bottle filled with water is placed in the freezer. Eventually, the expansion becomes substantial enough to cause damage. The issue with steel expanding in this way is that it can cause the brick and mortar around the lintel to crack. As the cracks grow, they can compromise the structural integrity of the entire wall. It is important to maintain steel to prevent rusting and avoid these problems.
How much does steel expand when it rusts?
The formation of rust occurs when the iron present in steel undergoes oxidation. As a result of this process, rust is formed, which can occupy as much as six times the volume of the original steel material. This increase in volume often damages the surrounding materials such as mortar joints and concrete.
Does rusting weaken steel?
The corrosion known as rust is a significant threat to any ferrous metal, including steel, as it can gradually deteriorate and weaken the material. Over time, rust can replace the strong iron or steel with a powdery, flaky substance, reducing the strength of the material.
Contact Us For Lintel Issues
If you’ve got any type of rusting, sagging, or other door or lintel problem, please contact us today to set up an appointment with one of our experts to evaluate your home and determine the best repair solution for you.